Friday 26 December 2008

need to do list

I have came here in London on 16th of July,2008.Now it's 26th of Dec,2008 which means I have been here for almost 6 months,half of the time that I have planned to stay in UK has passed.When I first came I really had no imagiination of London but just was predicting same as USA. But as all people who have been to UK and USA know,it's just totally different world. I remember the day that my plane landed in UK and the 5 long hours of waiting alone at the check-in desk. Finally someone came to take me from the airport but they were totally strangers. I actually didnt really knew the lady who was supposed to be responsible for me when I come to London.In another words the person who told our parents that she would find flat and job for me when I come here. But after talking to the people who took me from the airport,I found out that the lady had lied to me about all the things.I wanted to cry and go back to my country right away but I didnt even cry because I knew even if I cry things wont get any better.My first night in London was at Lilly road,Fulham,London which is quite poor area of London. But the people who were with me were nice people.Eventhough they dont even know me,they were promising that they would find flat and job for me as soon as they can. Then the lady called me and said that one of her sister in London will come and get me that morning.The girl called just after I hung up and then got the address of the place that where I was staying. She came about 1 hour later and picked me and my luggage up with her friend's little black car. That girl was Uno who has been here for one and a half year and student of english course at LLC college.The next night I stayed in one mongolian house in White city,London which was much better than the previous flat with Uno. I felt quite relieved and was leaning on Uno because at first for me she seemed so cool that she knew all the place we were going and knew how the things work in London.We registered for the recruitment agency named "HYclass" right away and waited for reply.One day Uno drunk quite a lot of beer and for the first time told she me her secret which gave me reason to understand her in the future that her father is government employee Barsbold and their mother,father had divorced when she was little and her mother remarried.And that her father was really mean to her and her mother as well. Her another secrte was she had an abortion which was baby from her cousin. But they werent blood cousins.After about month we had to move from the house that we were leaving and started to look for new flat. But we didnt really find good one and had to move to the flat which the mongolian lady found for us. This flat was the most unforgettable and horrible place that I lived,not because the room was so horrible the people were just horrible. Uno and I lived in one room with another old lady. The owner of the flat was the person who I never would like to meet. She had 2 children and was divorced. Her children was so bad mannered and had no bright side of kids. This lady used to smoke and drink regularly. She didnt work and used to just stay in the house or go and do shopping or go to pubs. We didnt understand how she manage to live but one day we found out that she makes fake passport and tickets to other people and in one word illegal things. By that time I already had my first job which was at one hotel named "Intercontinental" as room attendant.

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